Blockchain market

As a decentralized system, the blockchain has broken a lot of physical boundaries and can shorten the "distance" of trust between people, between people and machines, and between machines, and will have a major change in the entire society.
It has a lot of application scenarios, the following is a brief list of some scenarios:

Dimension Description
Information Sharing Online publication of certificates and other information to improve the accuracy and efficiency of information;
behavioral credit points mechanism, and credit protection in specific fields;
Online digitalization of assets Diversify the way assets are divided to protect the rights and interests of all parties;
reduce asset business processes and costs;
Copyright Protection Simplify the registration and inquiry process;
security guarantees to avoid tampering; break protection barriers
supply chain finance Supply chain in the chain can solve the information gap of supply chain finance;
effectively solve the flow of funds to avoid bad debts;
reduce the cost of verification and improve efficiency
Logistics applications Quick query of the entire chain of logistics links;
missing rate of logistics information = probability of sham;
Pay Solve the problem of trust in three-party payments;
optimize payment issues that require high endorsements such as cross-border credit endorsements, and improve payment efficiency and accuracy;
Business credit rating Through the online shopping mall, sales and evaluation are transparent;
merchants and product credit ratings are automatically recommended;