Create New Chain

The first chain of the entire system was created by the development team, and the creation process is the same as other blockchain systems.
All other chains are created through "Creating Chain Transaction".
Each chain allows the creation of 2 child chains, as long as the conditions are met, anyone can create them.
There are no restrictions on the creation of the second and third chains, and anyone can create them at any time. The creation of subsequent chains needs to meet the following conditions:

  1. The average block size of the chain is greater than 300K (recent average), avoiding unlimited creation.
  2. Tokens need to be spent. The maximum amount of tokens is 10,000 times the block reward. The larger the average block size, the lower the cost.
  3. A child chain does not exist when it is created.
  4. Create the left child chain first, then the right child chain.