
Token Unit

The token units have t0,t3,t6,govm.


Block reward

Every time you mine (generate a valid block), you can get token rewards.
The reward consists of three parts:

  • The default block reward, the first chain is initially 5 govm, 4 govm to DPOS nodes (70% rebate to voters), 1 govm to the development team.
  • The historical transaction energy is divided, and half of the transaction energy of each transaction will enter the public account of the system smart contract for distribution to subsequent miners.
  • The current transaction fee, half of the current transaction fee is distributed to the current miner, and half is entered into the public account.

Diminishing reward rules

The initial reward of the first chain is 10 govm, and the child chain is 90% of the parent chain.

For every 500,000 blocks (about 1 year), the reward is reduced to 90%.

The block interval of the first chain is 1 minute, and the block interval of the second chain is 56.25 seconds(15/16).

The minimum reward for a block is 50000 t0.

The total amount of tokens in the system will be determined by the number of chains, and the data of the chain will be determined by the number of transactions. So the higher the demand, the more transactions, the more the chain can be, and the more the total amount of tokens.

If there is only one chain, the total amount of coins in the first year is: the total number of blocks: 365*24*60, the first 500,000 rewards are 10govm, and the subsequent rewards are 10*0.9 = 9govm. The result is: 500000*10 + 25600*10*0.9 = 5,230,400 govm

The total amount of coins in the first year of the second chain is: number of blocks: 365*24*60*16/15 = 560640, the first 500,000 rewards are 9govm, and the subsequent rewards are 9*0.9 = 8.1govm . The result is: 500000*9 + 60640*8.1 = 4,991,184 govm

Then the total of the two chains in one year is: 10,221,584 govm